On-going Management System Maintenance
24 April 2014Scenario
You have successfully achieved certification or have been certified for a number of years but would like help with maintaining the system or reducing the effort required to manage it.
Our Process
If you have been successfully certified, New Paradigm Consulting can support your organisation by acting as the interim management representative or deputy management representative. One of our ISO specialists will co-ordinate the management of the system on behalf or your organisation.
Benefits of engaging with New Paradigm Consulting to maintain your certified management system;
- It is more cost effective than employing a full or part time member of staff to manage the system.
- You do not have to add the management of the system on to another team member’s duties.
- You will have peace of mind knowing that your system will be maintained and audit ready throughout the year.
- As one of our ISO specialists will be co-ordinating your system, you will be able to avail of opportunities to streamline your system as the interpretations of the standard’s requirements mature over time. This will help to keep your system current and the workload down.
- You will be able to react to changes in a standards requirements. All standards are updated eventually; ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 were both recently rewritten and released in September 2015.
- Avail of our ISO specialist’s cross-industry experience and network of contacts.
- Access to ISO related advice at all times.
Example Projects
- The Mount Charles Group (ISO 9001 & ISO 14001)
- Golden Popcorn (BRC Issue 7 (Food))
- Ulster Shredders (ISO 9001)